Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bliss is...

A mowed yard, a tennis ball, and a human to throw it over and over and over again.

Or, in Caleb's case, to sit and watch Simon do that over and over and over again and make fun of him.

It's interesting. All of a sudden Caleb's just shot up, shot out, and is looking less like a puppy and more and more like a mini-adult. I swear he's grown five inches and four pounds in the last week, and he's ravenously eating anything in sight.


Traci said...

such beautiful kids!!!! How old are they??

Shep said...

Aw, thank you so much! I think so, but I admit I'm probably biased. ;)

Simon's actually just shy of a year now, and Caleb's about five and a half months. They're both neat guys - I've been a German Shepherd person my whole life, but these guys have totally won me over. I'll never be without a Cardi- heck, I'd have a whole houseful! :D

Shep said...

Also, whoops -- hi! *waves* Those are some beautiful kids in your picture too! :D